Jul 27, 2010

Chef Boy R Neems

So I bring you the "Talapia and Fries" story. Here we go! So I was supposed to be cooking with someone or tried to cook with someone cause I dread cooking alone cause nothing comes our right except for my cheesecakes or what not. Nothing I have baked as flopped but everything else takes a different page in life.

So First I my first batch of rice didnt come out to happy I had to "DASH IT WEH" thats patois for "throw it away." Then I copped some canned corn the other day and was like perfect I will use that as a side...wait, wait, let me back track and tell you what happened to the talapia, tilapia. Whatever tomato tomato. Anywho, so I seasoned it and did all that fly shhh and then I put it in the oven about 30 minutes in I realized I forgot the "bread crumbs" right major epic fail lol! So I was like I will pull it out add the breadcrumbs and leave it in there a little longer. Then the tilapia was cooked so it was nice and tender and kind of broke apart as I was making it. So yea, then the corn part I thought I had normal corn but I had sweet corn so I was confused and threw it away lol! But as I cook this second batch of rice I figured if it didnt come out right that I would have french fries as a side. You know french fries is a side at like denny's and ihop right?!?! so yea, the french fries are in the oven and I have been blogging for a while so hopefully I have not burnt the fries. Alright everyone Im out!


  1. Lol aww this is cute. I gotta cook with you sometime!

  2. sure whoever u are lol!
