Dec 9, 2010

MJ is gone but not forgotten...

{Insert Kanye MJ line}

Crazy to think its been a year and some change huh? Well of course with MJ passing people still reminisce, go through old albums and do all of the many things to remember the legend daily. Here is a video from akon and MJ which I am sure will be on the new album. (if it isnt out or what not...Im sorry I have not been keeping up with dont hate me...Google it)

The akon video is very touching and my favorite part of the video is about 2:56-2:58 (the little MJ heel thing). Watch and you will see! Well, here we go ladies and germs it begins. MJ has probably already started seeing the dividends roll in and I am sure he will continue to get broke off. The irony of making more money after you pass. The "Your nobody till somebody..." line comes to mind...If your a hip hop you should know the reference. But yea a very heart warming video I must say.

And you can check out the R. Kelly tribute of MJ's hit song "You are not alone." I do not think I am too much of a fan of people remaking MJ songs because while I respect it the sound and the feel just can not be duplicated. Neither should anyone remix Aaliyah songs either (cough cough). But you can still listen tho...So check out the vids and the music and there will be more tributes to come im sure of it.

15-r. kelly-you are not alone (bonus) by Spa_Water

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