Dec 2, 2010

Stevie Wonder X Mom's Birthday X Wale

So how do the three things match up you say...

So this morning while my roommate @greg1906 was doing his casual morning yelling and singing he reminded me of this amazing song by stevie wonder that my band use to play! Like this song use to go in!!!! I MEAN, IN!!!! LIKE DEEP PENETRATION LOL! Well, you feel me! And you might have heard this sample in a Wale track off of "More About Nothing." But yea this is my song for the morning.

Stevie just had a raw hardcore talent man. Just his music composition was sickness. Pure genius at times. And yes, the song I believe was sampled by Tamie Terrell so I know stevie did not just come up with it on his own lol. But I dont know if singers even have this kind of potential anymore. Maybe, I am wrong. Or maybe because beats are so catchy and so overdone that the actual vocalist gets lost behind the kicks and snares. Music does not compliment the artist anymore. Its like they are two different sections the beat and then the artist. And you can do with either one or the other because people will not listen to your song for too long these days. Jay Z said it best "they dont listen to music they just skim through it." We all are guilty but you get me.

But anywho, song of the morning!! Enjoy!! Oh...(JACKIE CHAN'S UNCLE VOICE): ONE MORE THING!

Also, it is my moms birthday! so this song is perfect for the day!



Mom, I love you with all my heart and soul. And I promise, I promise, I promise I will be that amazing husband you raised me to be. I just had an epiphany a few days ago about trying to better myself as a black man and then I remembered that your birthday was coming up. It might have been you reaching me in some strange way. Im not perfect by any means so I have slipped up and I have done some people wrong and have had some wrong done to me but its not going to deter me or stop me from giving my all to whoever that lucky woman will be. I was just thinking about how if you were around I would be spending my whole paycheck on you just to keep you on ya HIGH MAINTENANCE status lol! I was saying how you would be the only woman I would do that for, in like LIFE! Maybe my wife if she acting right lol! jk! But yea have a great day mama! I miss you and always keep you close! You light up my life even in the darkest hour.

Thank you for always giving your all even when you had nothing. I guess, I get that from you. Always trying to do it all for people even though I have nothing at all. Well let me stop writing cause now the tears are flowing haha lol! Tears of joy tho! No worries! Last thing...I remember you use to call me your "bush bush" and I thought it was the lamest thing ever but I really do miss it! Shucks (kicks rocks with hands in pockets) well, now Im out!

Holla Young WORLD! Oh yea, Imma bless yall with that Wale joint as well!

Well do you see how that all segway'd into each other lol!

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