Dec 21, 2010

Teal Tigress: The Girl With the Teal Shirt

It was about 830ish
when I hopped on the bus
with efforts to get somewhere.
Walked up flash the ID
And to my left it was a girl in a teal shirt.
I analyzed her
Dissected her
I let my eyes inhale her
I think she knew I was eyeing her
But she just stayed on the phone
She had a t mobile
I know irrelevant to the story
But she had the bag next to her so that gave it away...

She was stunning tho
Drawing me in to admire her for an eternity
She had cut off shorts
And even tho I wanted to stare at her thighs
I wanted to find out who she was inside
My eyes kept wandering
She looked at me
I looked away
I looked back
I just
I just
Think that this girl
I mean woman
Needs extra attention
And I was tempted to know
That if she looked into a clear pond
Could it ever reflect which was her perfection
Her teal shirt
Her curly hair
And yea I she was lightly complected
And I checked out her feet
And they passed the boomerang test
Cause think about it
What's the purpose of wanting to worship this queen
If I can't love her from her head to her sole
I mean this was just a bus ride but she had my soul
And if she would get off the phone
Maybe I could read her this poem
But this is not a perfect world
And she still has her teal shirt
Bus Stop she goes one way
I look to follow
but then I walked the other direction...
My teal tigress off to prowl the hearts of another...
You will be missed...

1 comment:

  1. Omg!! I love this poem!!! I love the boomerang line. Made me DIE!!!!
