Jan 18, 2011

Taco Tuesdays: The Undercover Sister

Disclaimer: I love everyone. Because God said I should.

So today is Taco Tuesday. And today we touch on "The Undercover Sister." I was talking to a young lady one day and we got on the subject of fellatio (girl goes down on guy) and cunninglinguist (guy goes down on girl). Not to sure if that is how you spell it but you get me.

So...yea...We were talking and she was like "I got head from a girl one time." And I was like whooaaaaa!! lol! Of course as a guy my senses went off and I got to asking all these questions. But she said she was "curious" about how good a girl could do it just because she always hear girls do it better. So ummm yea...but it made me think how many women in college are doing the nasty with the same sex. For a guy if he is on some "preying mantis" type ish he gets blasted and put out if he isn't already putting himself out. But, the female race gets to keep their secret safe and sound. It needs to come to and end lol! Jk.

But none the less I am sure the undercover sister is out there. I mean females can hug each other, kiss each other, lay around in bra's and panties and be attracted to each other and the other one would never know. So essentially as a woman you may think "Oh, shes a girl too its not that serious" but in actuality your female roommate that pinches your titties and slaps you on the ass may be getting a lot more out of it than you think.

I mean of course the mystery will never be revealed as to what girls are sleeping around with what girls. But, its just a thought that has always crossed my mind. Like, if a guy is creeping into a girls house at 3 am in the morning is there another females house across town where another girl is swinging by and have the same intentions. SN: I do wish there was a shone radar that showed everyone creeping. Just little bleeps on the radar. lol! But yea...Im pretty much done. Of course I will sit down and think of it being the LESBIAN that I am you know. But what are yall thoughts?!?!

Taco Tuesdays wants to hear what you think about the matter...

1 comment:

  1. Yea, I know a lot of gay women here at uf. I mean being that I am a lesbian I kinda got the wink wink on those who are and arent. But, I wont put them out.

    But your thoughts are not incorrect sir. They do exist.
