Feb 10, 2011

Valentines Day Ideas for him/her

Ideas for him...

Sex...I mean lets be real, guys dont need much but this is always a great gift. But, I know you want a few more creative ideas so here ya go...

Ideas for Everyone

1. Be Thoughtful. Remember moments you have had together. First place you met. First place you shared your first kiss. Movies seen together, pictures taken, remembering favorite colors, hobbies and other details make things easier to plan. Does he/she like art? Take em to a museum or have a night of doing body paint on big white sheet and make art of each other. Or make a collage of all the moments you have shared and present it to them as a gift. Very simple and very thoughtful.

2. Paying attention. As a couple we always mention something we want or like to do or want to do. "I wish I had some vanilla ice cream" or "I love my xbox 360 but I need a new controller," or "man, I wish I could buy that shirt I saw at the XYZ" but you get the point. We always say what we want or what we like around each other so for special occasions you do not have to plan too hard because you remember the things they have mentioned. Ya feel me.

3. Keep It Simple Stupid. So you have a partner that says something like "man, I would love to go Africa or travel the world," or something off the wall that you cant possibly do. So here is what you do if she says, she wants to go Paris. Make paris inside the living room/bedroom/the house etc. Get posters and banners from things from that city, cook pasta, talk in a cheesy accent, get her little figurines and shirts that say I love Paris. And give her a night in Paris. And vice versa if your BF wants to go the superbowl and couldn't, bring it to him! Turn the house into a big endzone. Wear a cheesehead with no clothes on. Wear his favorite jersey for his team and just play video games for a few. Everytime he scores or wins he gets kisses, hugs, the works. bla bla.

4. You can always Eat In. Cook your partners favorite meal. And then Eat Out. Ya dig! (Sorry, Couldnt resist.)

Dice Games

- You can easily grab you a pair of dice and each roll can have a meaning. Doubles 6's are kisses, a pair of 1's mean take off clothing, Two double 6's in a row means feed each other fruit apply whip cream and so on and so forth. Be creative and you can be on to something. Its simple and cost little to nothing to do. And/or you can get a deck of cards and do the same thing depending on what card you draw.

Post It. Everywhere.

- For this one you will need access to either your crib or their crib.

Another very simple idea that I ran across is using POST ITS to plan a very sexy exotic night. From the moment he/she walks to the door he/she will have clues instructing them what to do next. Go to the kitchen and open freezer, (another post it) go in the pantry look in third shelf pickle jar (another post it) go to the living room pop in cd/dvd (of favorite movie or favorite album)...and so on and so forth. Hopefully, you get the idea with that.

Surprise, Surprise

- If you have a bunch of friends and they got "possible future boo's" or in a relationship you guys can all do a double/triple/quadruple date type thing. Or the three guys can plan something for the girls or the women can plan something for their guys. Call her and tell her be ready at XYZ time because you are going to a nice restaurant (her favorite/his favorite of course) and/or Cook at home, go get ice-cream (tell her theres nothing sweeter than her) and dress up really fancy even though its not that serious. Or you can GO, IN, and deck your apartments or house out in Balloons and streamers treat it like a bday...get a cake, have the gifts wrapped up, party hats, streamers for just you and her. Real simple. Prolly wont take much to do. If you bake or know someone who bakes get a heart shaped cake or something.

- Mini Ideas

- Make a scavenger hunt of love
- Write a Love Letter (Throw perfume or cologne all over it)
- Candy!! (For the fellas...Buy her a bunch of Hersheys Kisses and tell her "you would kiss the ground she walks on.")
- Buy her a globe and tell her she means the world to you and there is nothing else you rather do than to bring the world to her. (I know, pretty damn clever)
-Find a drive-in movie and watch something or Red Box that hoe. lol! Jk, but dont just do the bare minimum get popcorn get candy, make a fake red carpet out of red sheets (that probably cost a few dollars) and place it on the floor like a red carpet.
-Run her bath water get A ROSE and just peal the petals and drop it in her bathwater. One rose shouldnt be too much money and still a sweet gesture. Candles are cheap if you cop them from walmart, so go ahead and cop a few. Add some epsom salt for relaxation and you in there!
-Make them a card. Yes, make, you can buy anything from walgreens but show you spent some time to think of something to make them.

Hmmmmm, anything else, I am trying to think....well, you know what? I wont give it all to you guys cause then I wont have anything to use. Soooo..yea...

Be thoughtful, Be creative, Be daring, Be sweet and if it all comes from the heart the person who you are with will love the fact that they just have you for valentines.

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