Jan 22, 2011

Morning Thoughts...

Mind you since my thoughts are all over the place. They wont be complete..

Thought #1:
Woke up this morning with thoughts of a few things. I wont go into to much ranting and popping off but I figured I would mention some things. As I listen to XV's "Fall Out the Sky" I think about how much people are trying to tell YOU (or ME) what to do with your life. When you should love. When you should show emotion. When you should run/jump/crawl and such. Everyones so busy putting up walls and closing people outta their lives. With good reason of course ya know. We see other people get hurt and try to make sure we dont make mistakes like our friends, family, passerby's and such. But whatever people are stupid.

Thought #2
Still got dreams of being an entertainer of some sort. Just imagining myself in that popular sitcom. Or just on the big screen acting a complete fool. My joy of making others laugh till they cry or just to make people think or just showing that someone who is a celebrity is human. I dont feel like there are to many humans in the industry believe it or not. Everyones a drone. Just going with the motions. but whatever. Funny thing I am actually very shy lol. No one ever believes me when I say it.

Thought #3
I have a lot of friends. I value these friends because they are kind of like my family due to my lack their of. And in some cases it may be my fault but no one else is trying either (a whole another story). I realize that we as people/students/etc make excuses for damn near everything. Like its ridiculous how many excuses get made a day. And then people want to say "its not an excuse its the truth." Riitee...But then these people who make these excuses so frequently hate when people make excuses. Ha. Ironies of life.

Thought #4
Why everyone feel like they know me? They actually know nothing remotely close about my life. People may think I put out a lot of my life but I really dont. But hey. Keep thinking ya know.

Thought #5
this past year I have done a lot of reconstruction. Reading and trying to grow and just make myself better. Better as a black man/man/friend/brother/familyguy/rapper/entertainer whatever you want to call it. I just hate when people say "they are working on themselves and really are not improving at all. People think working on yourself is like being single for an extended period of time. FALSE. Just simple things like "I feel like im not confident enough?" so then you work on public speaking or speaking to yourself in the mirror or something ya know. But whatever. Common sense aint common either.

Thought #6
People need to stop telling me im too young. I been hearing that since I was like 16 im 23 now going on 24...in another year or so its gon be like "damn you grown and you still dont got yo shit together." All the same people who said kick it back you got time, live life, do you will be the same people laughing and pointing when you 26 and a still "smashing hoes" or being an "independent" black woman. I been working on my self in thought 5 as you see to become a better man for whatever young lady I get with. So whatever. and I say it now next person I get with im going in for the long haul. Not no quick "lets see where this goes" type of thing. We cant continue to play ourselves. And end up 35, great job/decent job and then looking back at the opportunities WE SHOULD HAVE taken. At least me imma live out all the things I want to do so that I cant look back and say "damn, I regret not doing that" or "man I wish I woulda said something." but yea....thoughts upon thoughts upon thoughts...

Thought #7
be on the lookout for my book coming soon. Its called Baby Rub My Back: A couples guide to massage and a better relationship. #Thatisall

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