Jan 26, 2011

Secrets to a Successful Relationship

Was reading a book called "Secrets to a Successful Relationship" and it was like a mini interview type of session and these points were given to people who are looking or wanting to know what are the secrets to a successful relationship.

Here is how we defeat ourself? Negative Self-talk.

We ask questions that point us to what we dont want.
1. Why cant I get a commitment
2. Why do I attract losers
3. Whats wrong with me/them

The book said this is as well and this touched me: Life gives you exactly what you ask for

What you really want to ask...
1. How can I start attracting winners
2. Whats great about me
3. What am I doing right?
4. What am I grateful for?
5. How can I be more committed to myself?
6. How can i love myself more?

A few more things...
1. Every relationship you have reflects a relationship you have with yourself.
2. This couple in this book decided that they would never curse/name calling AT each other in the relationship.
3. Dont let misunderstanding crush a relationship. Work out every conflict and get down to what the problem is. No matter how little or how large.

and a whole other bunch of stuff...who cares right...relationships are everything. Its life. whether friendship, family, boyfriend/girlfriend it all has some weight and can all apply. Aight im done.

I forgot taco tuesdays but I will bring taco tuesdays on another day no worries lol!

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