Feb 4, 2011

First post from the droid

So I read on BGR.com that blogger is now available for droids! So this is my first test run. If it gets this easy to do a post I will not have to worry about scrambling to a computer as much as I use to. Well, with that said I'm out!

(example pic)

So here are a few cons with blogger from the phone. After I made the post I had to do some editing via computer. Why you ask? Well, If you know html codes and such you can not just enter them in on your own like how you would do online. I had to jump on the computer and do some edit that myself.

Also, alignment of photo is not an option either.

Last but not least, you can not add video via phone/youtube/3rd party site. Me personally, I am happy with the ability just to be able to blog via phone. But, I do know that the more tech savvy folk will have these complaints. Tech heads get real knit picky (if thats the word) about what they can do via phone/tablet/pad whatever. Well, with that said...OVER AND OUT!


and all that other rapper stuff...

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