Jan 26, 2011

Thoughts on the Game...

What up DOE!?!?

So yea...Last nights episode of the game was very depressing. Now, I have been one to get excited over a few women shaking their backsides on national television but ummm tonight or last night rather just felt really different. I was really upset with the episode and almost forgot every other episode I enjoyed at the very moment. I think my homie said it best about the new season of the game after I mentioned that the show no longer had its quality as it did before. She noted that "they have turned the game into a soap opera and its no longer a sitcom." And I think I will agree with that.

I did not learn until last night that Kelsei (the original writer) is no longer associated with the writing of the script so it all made sense in some weird kind of way. But yea, last night truly made black women seem like money rummaging bottom feeders. And while I have jokingly said that in the past about women [sue me] last night just was beyond weird. I am not sure if anyone feels where I am coming from, but I hope you do [Kinda, sorta].

But yea, the game will be losing viewers if they have not lost any already. Also, Lets Stay Together is a pretty solid show. So lets stop hating [myself included] and start watching that show and not just turning our stations after the game is over. IJS. But yea, I wont rant on as much as I could I am not.

What are your thoughts on last nights episode? I would love to hear.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see it!!! I thought the writers changed but I wasn't sure. I blogged about the first episode but it sounds like it is just getting worse. (sad face)
