Jan 11, 2011

Taco Tuesday...

Whats Taco Tuesday you ask? Its where I bring up random thoughts/concerns/questions about things in day to day life. Why "taco" you ask...well I feel like in life we are all hard shells and the experiences we go through then adds to who we are on the inside. (Really I just found a pic of this taco thing and just ran with it haha and if I kept going on with this it would sound borderline "preying mantis-ish" think about it...) But whatever Taco Tuesdays we talk about shh u feel me...todays taco is...When is it okay to date your friends ex...

So after talking with a group of people the other night about the concept of friends talking to friends ex's some thoughts came to mind. So I will list off a bunch of questions we all asked each other that night and I figured I would bring it to the blog and let the world talk about it.

When is it okay to talk to your homeboy or homegirls ex/fling/gf/bf?
Is it EVER okay?
Is it even that serious?
Should it not be done at all?
Is there a time stipulation? (Example: after two years you can officially make a move)
Why do we get so worried about others feelings?
Do we REALLY think if our homeboy/homegirl was presented with an opportunity they wouldnt take it?
Is the person REALLY that much of your friend?
And what are some proper ways to go about letting the person know...Im going to be talking to your ex?
Should you even have to talk about it? or just do it?

Now a lot of thoughts and emotions came about over the subject but you guys can speak on the subject matter a little more. Please be honest and truthful with yourself before you reply as well.

Have you been in this situation?
Did it work out?
What went wrong? or did It just end on your own terms and not because of the past bf/gf/fling?

Speak on it...


  1. Personally i dont think the shit is that serious. if my boy aint with the chick imma just ask him if I can holla at her. Now, Imma ask him a few times cause dudes be frontin. But if he wanna play hard and not tell me he really has feelings then thats his problem personally. Like, its not gonna stop him from being my boy but if I really like the chick imma just ask him. If he says no then I wont make a move and just keep it on a "church hug" level ya feelz me doe?

    I have learned doe that you cant really worry about the past and who a woman has talked to cause then u just get stupid conscious and then EVERY WOMAN becomes off limits especially with like colleges and shit. I got to FSU so every chick ends up getting tagged at least once. So I mean shit...I done got it in as well...so whatever...but this isn't a discussion on the number of partners lol...

    But I say make it work. That could be the woman of your dreams Just cause its not your boys dreams dont mean u gotta cut ur self short. If your boy was on point he woulda still been with her or sometimes people just are not meant for each other.

    It does suck tho cause i have NOT talked to some chicks cause she talked to a homeboy. It be like dat sometimes...

    Im out. Oh yea. Florida u suck!!!!! Been waiting years to say that lol

  2. Steer clear. There are many fish in the sea. U dont need to holla at a friends ex lady or boyfriend

  3. Speaking from personal experience I say stay clear of your friend's ex's their is probably a good reason for why they are an "ex". lol
