Hello and good night everyone. First and Foremost, I want to thank "Nemo" "ATG" or whatever he may respectfully call himself for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to have my very own column in his blogspot. To the readers you can refer to me as Dr. Do Right. I am here for all your relationship needs. If you have a question that has been troubling you, need some new things to do with your partner or just any general advice towards your relationship I am here to give you a very unbiased and honest yet insightful opinion in regards to whatever it is that may be troubling you or not troubling you for that matter. So enough with the introductions how about we dig right into the main course, shall we?
Todays Topic: "If You don't do it someone else will."
There are a lot of people who feel like they should not have to change themselves in order to be in a relationship. Others may feel that "if he/she truly loves me then he has to deal with whatever he/she gets." BUT, in actuality they CAN and/or WILL up and leave you and find someone to be that "something" that you are not. In other instances the person may leave because you refuse to change who you are and while that is kind of the same thing I just figured I would address it from several angles. I will say that it is hard to believe that someone would really have the nerve to think that they are going to keep a man/woman and really just pick and choose what they want and do not want to do in a relationship.
In my opinion (and I say this so that there is no confusion) to be in a relationship you have to be self-less. Now, I am not saying to just do "everything" that the person commands you to do because that is pure foolishness. When you care about someone sometimes sacrifices are taken in order to show each other that you are really all about them and if it does not seem like this is the case then not then that may be the end all be all. Basically, what I am saying is that you can not keep a one minded mentality when you jump into a relationships with others. Just thinking of a few concepts such as "support" or "affection" and how much of a key component that these subjects both play in regards to any relationship. It would really suck to know that the person you think is in your corner is not even supporting you in times of need. Also, I am sure that we can agree that there is nothing worse than the feeling of being IN a relationship and feeling desolate all at the same time. I would continue but, I am quite positive that you understand me the topic and where I am headed. So...To the ladies and gentlemen that may be reading this post here a few messages I will leave you guys with...
To my brothers if your lady says "babe come with me to the mall" or some random "girlie" task I know its usually the norm to pass them the keys and tell them go ahead or to even drop them off but at least once or twice try to go out and kick it with your lady because that could be the perfect moment for another Mr. Right to swing through when you were just being lazy. While it may be a stretch it can definitely occur. And with this I am not saying becoming a puppet for whatever your partner is suggesting but just know that whatever you do not do can easily be replaced by someone who is hungry and willing to do it.
To my sisters your most problematic issue stems from the thoughts of "giving fellatio." Now, I understand that this may not be THE most favorite option for you but if you do not do it someone else will and if you have a good man and he does it all for you then I do not see why you can not extend the favor. Just like you expect a guy to dive between your thighs and perform sexual favors on you until the sun takes its breath on a new day then you can and may need to grab hold of the joystick of life and learn how to get aHEAD of the game if you get my drift.
The name of the game is Compromise. Compromising is not easy but it is something that you will have to learn to be good at when it comes to relationships. Being able to find happy mediums or level grounds on a certain issue can and will definitely be that push or shove or spin that the relationship needs in order to achieve success. But as the topic stated "if you dont do it someone else will." This phrase may be small but it speaks volumes. Just try that is all any partner can ask for just the thought of them trying to do something that they do not normally do. Stepping out of their shell, their box all that. Or you can be stubborn and let a good thing pass you by forever and ever Amen.
Well, on that note I am going to make my way to a couch or bed depending on how I feel and catch some well needed rest.
Dr. Do Right
-Cause If I dont Do Right, then Who will!
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