Dec 15, 2010

Captains Log: Thoughts of her

This morning I woke up thinking I had some things to do (but they were canceled). Started my normal routine: get up, use the restroom, wash up and then check my social networks. Same old stuff "people don't wanna wake up" "hitting snooze on the alarm clock" "a few morning blessings" you know, the usual. Well, where am I going with this you may patient...

So yea, I saw HER facebook page this morning. Not "HER" as in like Jesus (cause clearly Jesus is a woman) but Her ya know. I clicked on her page because I saw that she liked a few things. Its crazy because I forget how beautiful this girl is at times. I am still trying to accept the fact that she does not really need me in her life anymore. Not that I had a big role in it or anything, but I never even got the option. Its not the easiest realization but hey, at least its being realized. And from some quick scanning (not stalking) she seems happy. A smile that could light up the entire city of New York even during a power outage, a smile that could wipe any fear and/or problem. Its similar to that Men in black thing where when it flashes you forget all that happened prior to this very moment. Yeah, thats it. She had a smile that could make you forget everything up until this very moment. She was by far stunning to say the most. Moving on...

I hope that the young man you are with is treating as you should be treated. Hopefully, he takes care of you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The physical can come whenever but being that you are part goddess he may still have a hard time handling a young Aphrodite like yourself. And although I cant have you I at least hope your happy. I would hate to see or hear otherwise. I hope that your stress is at a minimum, that you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle and your getting to shop as much as you can. I mean you do like to shop (of course as most women do) that was one of the things we shared the last time we hung out. Remember? well, I wont get into foolish memories and reminiscing of a past which is non-existent today...

I still remember when you took me with you to get that tattoo. I got to sit in with you during the session and while you were going through it you squeezed my hand from the pain and you may have shed a tear or two. While painful for you I was happy that I could be there to share a unique experience with you. We bonded that day and a different woman appeared before my very eyes....ahhhh...anywho, you crossed my mind and I began to write as I normally do whenever I really think about you. Hope you have a blessed day my lady.

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