The two aspiring Emcees hail from South Florida and crossed paths while attending the University of Florida where their comradeship began. They had known each other for years off friendship alone, but never created any work together. The chemistry was finally shown between the duo once they decided to put their talents together, creating an E.P. that reflects the many contents of both individuals: The Huey Vs. Riley EP. The EP is not solely based off of “The Boondocks” cartoon, however, it encompasses the dichotomy of perspectives between both characters (Conscious ignorance), while delivering a story about an artist’s rise and fall through trials and tribulations, from an introspective and extrospective point of view. The EP’s storytelling is also broken in to three parts: The Grind, The Dream, and The T(rap).
Their new single "Dreamer" takes the listener through an experience that personifies the common grounds that musicians share with one another: The gift and the curse of escapism.
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im deft. feeling the song!